The Fantasticast Episode 210
Bitten By A Radioactive Gil Kane
Hello, and welcome to episode 210 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.
The week sees our final issue of Marvel Two-in-One for 2016. Marvel Two-in-One #11, guest-starring The Golem. And if your response to that is to go, "Who?", then you're not alone. He's a refugee from a very short-lived Strange Tales solo series, and he's popping up in this issue, dragging his entire supporting cast with him.
Roy Thomas, Bill Mantlo, Bob Brown and Klaus Janson pull together to bring you this tale of cross-continental travel, metropolitan transport-based destruction, and misplaced moral messages. To which we add an examination of Ben Grimm's musical tastes, and we discover just what Steve wears whilst podcasting.
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The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.
Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at
Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.