The Fantasticast Episode 209
Farewell Art
Hello, and welcome to episode 209 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.
This week, our coverage of Fantastic Four #162 covers a lot of Things. We've got Things from different Earths doing all sorts of things whilst other things look one in bemusement at the things being carried out. It's the newly-christened Earth A vs the not-yet-christened 616 Earth vs the Fifth Dimension vs Machus! It's an interdimensional smackdown of epic proportions, brought to you by Roy Thomas, Rich Buckler and Joe Sinnott.
Things run the risk of getting so complicated that we've got a full page of exposition, complete with fancy diagrams. And, as if the four-way battle weren't enough, we've also got the first (and, sadly, not last) appearance of Gaard, the character that answers the question: What if the Silver Surfer played ice hockey and was crap?
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Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at
Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.