Amazing Spider-Man #19, page 4, panel 3
Amazing Spider-Man #19: It's... ASBESTOS!!! 33
Written By: Spidey's Godfather, Stan Lee
Illustrated By: Spidey's Big Daddy, Steve Ditko
Lettered By: S. Rosen (Spidey's Second Cousin On His Uncle's Side!)
We're taking a dive into Amazing Spider-Man #19, which allows us to indulge ourselves in Steve Ditko's full artwork for a little while. And, because this issue features The Enforcers getting the better of the Human Torch, we also get an asbestos rope. Unlike in any given issue of Strange Tales, here the asbestos lasso simply restrains Johnny, rather than extinguishing him. It's up to Fancy Dan, wearing a fire extinguisher on his back, to finish the job.
It's a small panel, without much space to show off, but Ditko shows great definition on Johnny's body, depicting his flame lines with ease where some of Kirby's inkers would fudge the job with thicker lines.
Check out our coverage of Amazing Spider-Man #19 on our thirty-seventh episode: Yes, Mr Lister, Sir!