Strange Tales #7, page 7, panel 7
Strange Tales #125: Flame On 75
Written by Word-Slingin' Stan Lee
Drawn by Picture-Sketchin' Dick Ayers
Inked by Ink-Splatterin' Paul Reinman
Lettered by Pen-Pushin' S. Rosen
Ah, this issue of Strange Tales is so redundant, even for Strange Tales. Johnny and Ben notice the Sub-Mariner heading towards New York, so they go and pick a fight with him for 12 pages before he vanishes. Reed then turns up and berates them for derailing peace talks with Namor.
It's an issue that struggles to have many interesting moments, and those that do happen tend to come about because of their complete stupidity. Yes, Johnny has a good 'Flame On' moment, but it comes straight after him standing around in the sun waiting for his uniform to get dry before after he received a dunking. Standing around in the sun. Yeah...
Check out our coverage of Strange Tales #125 on our thirty-fifth episode: House of the Fallen Storm