Fantastic Four Annual #2, page 2, panel 5
Fantastic Four Annual #2: Property Damage 33
A Stan Lee Story Spectacular
A Jack Kirby Illustrative Idyll
A Chic Stone Delineation Delight
A Sam Rosen Lettering Landmark
Escalation is a great concept in drama. He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. We start carrying semi-automatics, they buy automatics. It's also a great concept in comedy and, judging by today's panel, in auto insurance claims.
At least this piece of antique automobile destructions comes from a good intention. A completely misguided good intention, but a good one nonetheless. In a nice piece of character work, Johnny, with a history of working in auto repair and with a love of cars, can only look on and cringe as Ben bashes away at the classic car.
Check out our coverage of Fantastic Four Annual #2 on our thirty-fourth episode: The Doomcast, with special guest host Alan Middleton