Strange Tales #124, page 13, panel 3
Strange Tales #124: Flamin' 'Eck #52
Written by: Smilin' Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Darlin' Dick Ayers
Inked by: Peerless P. Reinman
Lettered by: Adorable Art Simek
And... we're back. After nearly a full year, in which we've launched a Patreon, set up a new website, started regular comic reviews, and continued on our mission to cover every Fantastic Four comic ever printed, the Fantastic Four tropes blog (formerly the Fantastic Flame On) is back. A huge thanks to every Patreon supporter who helped us get to our milestone goal that included the return of the blog.
We'll be producing new content three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Every now and again, we'll mix things up with the continuing Guardians of the Galaxy reviews, and there'll be some special posts next week to coincide with our 200th episode. But these aside, it's time to get back to the mission of covering every Flame On, and more.
We were in the middle of Strange Tales #124, in which the Human Torch and The Thing found themselves battling Paste-Pot Pete. As the story continued, the two inevitably found themselves defeated and entrapped by the superior abilities of paste. With paste outmanoeuvring them at every turn, there can only be one way to cancel out the all-conquering paste.
Yes, the only way that the clearly unbeatable paste can be beaten is with Johnny creating a a flaming arrowhead and hurling it at Paste-Pot Pete's paste tube, denying him his fight-winning paste. Well, hurrah and huzzah for Johnny's improbable flame powers!
Check out our coverage of Strange Tales #124 on our thirty-third episode: Bad Horse, Bad Horse, with special guest host David Walker